Saugahatchee Country Club
Our Active Adult Lifestyle Also Includes Superb Golf at Saugahatchee Country Club
Residents will enjoy waived initiation fee and 12 months of discounted monthly dues. Learn More.
Currently, Opelika is the only city in Alabama that can run 100% fiber optic cable into the side of residential properties – including all the new homes that will be built in The Springs of Mill Lakes.
In August 2016, Opelika Power Services introduced OPS ONE – the new name for all of the blazing fast Video, Voice and Data services available to Opelika residents and businesses. ONE is where everything comes together to provide One Network Experience.
OPS ONE connects Opelika to the world.
It is the first community-owned fiber optic network in all of Alabama with GIG speeds available to all customers.
OPS ONE will continue to allow existing businesses to grow and expand while also attracting new high-tech industry – and discerning homebuyers who expect the best in their new homes in The Springs of Mill Lakes.
At The Springs of Mill Lakes, we are delighted to be able to offer OPS ONE to our active 55+ homeowners who appreciate tomorrow’s fiber infrastructure today!
Opelika Chamber of Commerce
The Opelika Chamber of Commerce promotes and fosters economic and business success, maximizes member investment, while enhancing the community. To learn more about the Opelika and the surrounding area click here.